South Bank, Brisbane

UQ, St Lucia campus

I left HSBC at the end of January to study in Australia. I like the job. It’s truely a great place to work. But back then studying abroad had been sort of my dream for years, which was why I took IELTS tests.

I flew to Brisbane on 1 Feburary alone. But after two months there, I started to miss my family in China. I thought about bringing my family to Australia. But the cost of living concerned me. It is way more expensive to live in Brisbane than I had expected. So I had the idea of backing out. And after about two months of indecision, I finally made up my mind to quit, and flew back home at the end of May.

On the first weekend at home, I had dinner with a close friend and he asked to traval with him in Northwestern China for 7 days. I agreed. We would flew to Lanzhou two week later. I was curious about Northwestern too. Moreover, I thought two weeks were enough for me to get a job offer.

Caka Salt Lake

I was wrong. I failed the first two job interviews, which were also all the interviews I had. Failing in interviews is more than normal. But I couldn’t help feeling a little dispirited. I was in Xining when I got the result.

Now I have been at home for over a month. My wife and my parents sometimes complained that I shouldn’t have been so stubborn as to quit my job, especially when talking about the high rate of unemployment in China. I don’t want to blame them or argue with them, because I did make some bad decisions. Next week, I will have another interview with someone in Singapore. I’m sure I will perform better. Good luck to me.